Our place is one of many lay Diamond Way Buddhist meditation centers of the Diamond Way Buddhist Karma Kagyu Lineage Association of Poland.

Ropki center was established in 1999 by Lama Ole Nydahl and his wife Hannah, under the guidance of the 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje.  It is currently led by our main teacher, Lama Ole Nydahl, under the patronage of the 17th Karmapa, Thaje Dorje head of the Karma Kagyu school.

The center is in a picturesque valley in the Beskid Niski mountains in southern Poland, an incredibly beautiful and quiet area, perfect for meditation retreats.

The center was created with all practitioners of our Diamond Way centers in mind, as a place where they can deepen their knowledge and experience through meditation retreats.

All interested in Buddhist meditation are welcome to join an open meditation session every Saturday at 11 AM.

Buddhist meditation develops our enlightened inner qualities, the same shown by Buddhas and enlightened teachers, which we in fact already possess. Fearlessness, joy, and active compassion are the results of regular practice of Buddhist meditation.


You are welcome to join us for a public meditation every Saturday at 11:00 AM.

There will be a short introduction followed by a guided meditation. The regular meditation is the Guru Yoga meditation on the 16 Karmapa, it lasts about half an hour, it can be guided in English and requires no preparation. If you want to visit us another day, please call or text us beforehand.

At our center, you can borrow or buy books on Buddhism.

For more information about Diamond Way Buddhism, visit  diamondway-buddhism.org.


A meditation retreat is time dedicated to meditation and reading Buddhist literature.  We invite members of the Buddhist Association who practice at our Diamond Way centers to visit us throughout the year to our detached wooden retreat cabins with a meditation room, a small kitchen, bathroom and terrace.

Please arrange you visit date in advance by email of phone.

EVENTS - Several times a year we run meditation courses.





Diamond Way Buddhist Meditation Centre in Ropki
Ropki 3
38-316 Wysowa Zdrój  POLAND


Mobile +48 602 715 608 - Marcin

Mobile +48 606 287 227 - Asia

Phone +48 18 35 32 417



Our bank account

For membership fees and donations to support the center, please use the following account:

Buddyjski Ośrodek w Ropkach
Bank Pekao S.A I Oddział Gorlice

IBAN:   PL 21 1240 1561 1111 0000 0829 6140


Payment reference: Donation for religious groups /  Darowizna na cele kultu religijnego